The bar exam is OVER! Thank heavens! I never want to do that EVER again... It was the most miserable experiance of my life...
Tuesday was 12 essays. They were manageable. I by no means wrote perfect essays, but I do think I did well enough to pass that portion of the test. There were four essays that I knew like the back of my hand, so that really helped my confidence.
Yesterday, the multiple choice was tough. I mean REAL tough. I have been doing well on the practice questions, but that was nothing like I had ever seen before. I was soo time crunched, which is strange because timing has never been my issue.
I honestly don't know what the end result will be, but I can say that I did everything in my power to pass. The rest is in God's hands.
Even though it was such a rough experiance, I am so blessed to have such amazing friends and family. I got so many encouraging texts, facebook messages, cards, even care packages and home cooked meals. It was such a good feeling to know so many people were praying for me...
I felt so loved...
Wanna know whats REALLY exciting?? My 1 month vacation starts TODAY!
Park City Utah
3 years ago